
El cruasán (del francés croissant, AFI: [kʁwa'sɑ̃], “creciente”), también escrito abundantemente en su grafía sin adaptar croissant, es una pieza de panadería de origen austriaco, cuya versión hojaldrada se desarrolló en Francia. Está hecho con una masa de hojaldre específica que contiene levadura, mantequilla o margarina.

Dado que en el siglo XX la popularidad del cruasán se extendió a muchos países del mundo, existen numerosas variantes con ingredientes, consistencia y nombres propios.

Los cruasanes son conocido como 'cachitos' en Perú, Ecuador y Venezuela; 'cruasán' en Colombia; 'medialunas' (un tipo de facturas) en Argentina, Chile,2 Paraguay y Uruguay; y en otros países de América Latina como 'cangrejitos' o 'cuernitos'. Los hay dulces o salados, sencillos o rellenos.

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A croissant (UK: /ˈkrwʌsɒ̃, ˈkrwæsɒ̃/,[3] US: /krəˈsɒnt, krwɑːˈsɒ̃/, French: [kʁwasɑ̃] is a buttery, flaky, viennoiserie pastry of Austrian origin, but mostly associated with France. Croissants are named for their historical crescent shape and, like other viennoiserie, are made of a layered yeast-leavened dough. The dough is layered with butter, rolled and folded several times in succession, then rolled into a thin sheet, in a technique called laminating. The process results in a layered, flaky texture, similar to a puff pastry.

Crescent-shaped breads have been made since the Renaissance, and crescent-shaped cakes possibly since antiquity. Croissants have long been a staple of Austrian, Italian, and French bakeries and pâtisseries. The modern croissant was developed in the early 20th century. In the late 1970s, the development of factory-made, frozen, pre-formed but unbaked dough made them into a fast food that can be freshly baked by unskilled labor. The croissant bakery, notably the La Croissanterie chain, was a French response to American-style fast food,and as of 2008, 30–40% of the croissants sold in French bakeries and patisseries were baked from frozen dough.

Croissants are a common part of a continental breakfast in many European countries.

Information from Wikipedia, see here